The librarians and staff of the Arthur A. Wishart Library are here to help you with your research. We offer a number of in-person and onlines services to assist you.
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1754 views | 0 Vote this question as useful. 0 Vote this question as not useful. | Last updated on Jul 09, 2020 Archives
The Archives and Special Collections at Algoma University are open to all students, staff, faculty, researchers, and the general public.
Students may consult the Archives for course-related projects, assignments and papers. History students, for example, regularly research local history, institutional history, and news articles relating to the University. Social Work or CESD students may seek information on the Aboriginal Healing Foundation or community healing initiatives. Students from Fine Arts might research historical photography methods or use archival material as inspiration.
The Archives is also used by Algoma University staff, faculty and administrators in the course of carrying out the University’s academic and administrative business. The Archives might be consulted for the creation of presentations and displays, to consult past institutional reports, for anniversary planning or communications campaigns, and many other internal projects.
The Archives offers a wide range of opportunities for advanced scholarly research. For more information on how to access the Archives or how to get started with your research contact our staff or visit our website.