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2304 views | 1 Vote this question as useful. 0 Vote this question as not useful. | Last updated on Nov 26, 2020 Sources Articles E-resources Books Research Help
Sometimes a database search will return the citation and abstract of an article, but will not include the full text of the article.
If you find a resource you're interest in and there is no full-text article provided in that database, select the "Full Text Finder" or "Get It At Algoma" option (title will vary depending on the database you are using). This will show you whether or not we subscribe to that journal, and what database it can be found in.
Be sure to check the availability information for the journal. The journal could appear in more than one database, with different years of availability. You will need to know what year your article was published in. This information can be found by checking the citation information you retrieved in your initial database search.
Still haven't found the full-text article? You can also try our A-Z Journal Title search to check whether we subscribe to the journal.
If we don't subscribe to this particular journal, you can submit an ILL Request for the article.